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The Renowned Spanish Journalist and Travel Blogger Paco Nadal Visits Colombia

The writer, journalist, director of documentaries, photographer and, in particular, travel blogger, Paco Nadal, began a tour in Colombia on Friday invited by Proexport Colombia.

Nadal will visit the Tayrona National Park, La Guajira and the Archaeological Park of the Ciudad Perdida (Lost City), considered as one of the fifteen top destinations in the world for Brit Tony Wheeler, one of the best-known world travelers and founder of the prestigious Lonely Planet travel guide.

Both Magdalena and La Guajira, the tourist attractions which are part of Nadal’s visit, offer unique experiences like touring the highest seaside mountain in the world (the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, where the Tayrona Park is located) or discovering the so-called "roof of South America" in Punta Gallinas, the northernmost place in the region, located in La Guajira.

Based on the adventures experienced by Nadal in the country, PROCOLOMBIA created the international promotion strategy "Colombia is Magical Realism", which tells the world how reality and fantasy combine in national destinations for the enjoyment of visitors.

" Our initiatives have a significant digital component. The campaign for example, has presence in the most popular social media venues including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. In Facebook, we have reached nearly two million accounts, and videos have reached about five million views,&rdquo said the President of PROCOLOMBIA, Maria Claudia Lacouture.

According to Lacouture, these virtual spaces are used by tourists when choosing their next destination for holidays or major events, a hallmark to the invitation made to the Spanish journalist, who through "The blog of Paco Nadal" sponsored by the Spanish newspaper El Pais, narrates the daily life of a travel journalist.

His travel blog is one of the most read and influential in the Spanish-speaking market. Paco Nadal is also very active in all social media (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram), making him one of the travel journalists who has been better able to adapt to new technologies, thus continuing to be one of the top references in the world for online travel communication. His professional works can be found in the mainstream Spanish media, either in the press, in radio or in television (TVE, Telecinco, Cuatro, Ondacero, RNE...)

He writes regularly in El Pais (the newspaper with the largest circulation in Spain) and has a weekly travel program on Cadena Ser, the leading Spanish radio station. He presents and directs documentary series for the Canal Viajar (travel channel), the first thematic travel channel made in Spain, besides writing and taking pictures for travel guides in the El Pais-Aguilar publishing company.

His works include three fiction titles: "El cuerno del elefante" (The Elephant's Horn), which was the first work of an author published in Spanish by the prestigious National Geographic publishing house. "Pedro Paramo ya no vive aqui" (Pedro Paramo Doesn't Live Here Anymore), which achieved the V Travel Narrative Award Eurostar-RBA in 2010. And "Si hoy es jueves, esto es Tombuctu" (If It's Thursday, This is Timbuktu) (El Pais-Aguilar, 2013), a selection of his journals on the blog in El Pais.

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