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PROCOLOMBIA will present Natural Tourism proposals during the Trade Show in ITB 2011

The delegation led by Proexport Colombia will present the products available to environmental tourism lovers, along with an invitation to visit them responsibly.

Colombia, the country with the highest biodiversity per square kilometer in the world, the first in terms of the number of species of birds and amphibians, second in plants, third in reptiles and fifth in mammals, will offer its visitors at the International Tourism Trade Show, ITB 2011, its Nature Tourism proposal.

The ITB Trade Show, which will take place in Berlin, Germany, between the 9th and 13th of March, will include the participation of 25 companies led by PROCOLOMBIA, supported by the Colombian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism's Promotion Fund.

The Colombian delegation is made up of regional institutions, tour operators and hotels that will position Colombian tourism not only in Germany, but before representatives from over 180 countries in the world who attend ITB every year.

The proposal will be to attract tourists who are interested in visiting the natural destinations available as part of a strategy to guarantee respect for the local biodiversity and care for the environment.

Among other products to be presented at ITB are the natural national parks, bird and whale watching, rural tourism and ecotourism.

At the Colombian exhibition stand over 180 thousand visitors at ITB will get to know what the country has to offer around natural tourism.

Natural National Parks in Colombia

Ecological and cultural diversity in Colombia is appreciated in full splendor from the areas of the Natural National Parks System.

Parks make up for one of the most important elements in natural tourism for Colombians and foreigners to enjoy different environments like snow peaks, volcanoes and tropical jungles, among others, on monitored activities that produce minimum impact on the ecosystems and respect cultural heritage.

They also educate and create awareness among visitors regarding the importance of preserving nature. All the way from National Parks like Tayrona in Santa Marta, in the north of the country, next to the Caribbean Ocean, down to the Amazon in the south, Colombia offers all types of environments to enjoy incomparable nature.

Bird watching

With around 1,876 species, Colombia is the number one country in bird diversity in the world. Additionally, it is third place in terms of the number of endemic species, with almost 70, after Brazil and Peru, with 203 and 105 respectively.

Colombia is paradise for bird watchers, with countless options in forests and highlands in the Andes Mountains, in the Amazon or Choco jungles, in the Eastern Plains and the lowlands in the Caribbean or the inter-Andean valleys.

Many new species are currently being found, analyzed and described in traditional bird-watching areas like highlands and forests in the Andes, in the Amazon and Choco jungles, the Eastern Plains and the valleys between the three mountain ranges &ndash Eastern, Western and Central.

Rural Tourism

The wealth and diversity of Colombian territory is an attraction for those who enjoy rural tourism, to have the possibility to get to know the culture of the people and its traditions, in addition to understanding their natural environment.

The rural areas in Colombia captivate travelers thanks to the calmness and harmony of its landscapes, aside from the culture expressed through music, gastronomy, daily work and traditional celebrations that bring people closer.

There, it is possible to contemplate a never ending green horizon, crystal waterfalls, numerous fields and crops, beautiful stone trails and farms that welcome tourists to give them memorable experiences.

Learning cultural values, customs and activities of peasant life, which still preserves its ancestral authenticity, proper to the various regions in the country, are a point of reference for the practice of rural tourism in Colombia.

Ecological trails, beautiful landscapes, a variety of climate areas and activities that suggest exclusive contact with nature and with farmers' daily tasks, are a few of the charms of this land, full of magical and unforgettable impressions.

The Coffee Triangle in the central-western part of the country, the small towns in the province of Boyacá - Villa de Leyva, Paipa, Chiquinquira, among others &ndash and the province of Cordoba in the northern coast, are just some of the places to enjoy the unique type of tourism offered in Colombia.

Ecotourism in Colombia

Ecological tourism or Ecotourism is related to the world of responsible travel to natural regions that preserve the environment and the wellbeing of the local population.

Bird watching in the valleys between the mountains and whale watching in the pacific coast, are only some of the major special attractions Colombia has to offer foreign tourists.

This is the way ecotourism shows travelers the natural beauties the country has to offer, always respecting the natural surroundings of its inhabitants.

In the tourism category, Colombia has generated interesting and environmentally friendly alternatives conceived for everyone&rsquo s enjoyment of the beautiful national countryside, and which in turn, are the perfect blend of design, efficiency and service.

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