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PROCOLOMBIA has the most innovative digital marketing strategy for investment promotion in Latin America

The Financial Times Intelligence Unit classified the entity as the world’s second agency with the best presence in social networks. In the country measuring, Colombia was positioned in the fourth place in the world with the best strategy to attract investment.

The digital strategy that PROCOLOMBIA deployed to attract direct foreign investment is the most innovative in Latin America in 2012 and one of the best worldwide, according to the Digital Marketing Awards delivered by the Financial times Intelligence Unit (FDi), in United Kingdom.

PROCOLOMBIA managed to be highlighted amongst the more than 50 nominees between country investment agencies, regions, cities and special economic areas, which registered for the first version of these digital awards. The Digital Market 2012 classification discriminated the results within six categories and out of these, Colombia was outstanding in three.

It consolidated itself as leader in innovation in Latin America, and in this category it surpassed Chicago, Costa Rica and Hong Kong, amongst others.

“Our digital strategy to attract investment is focused in our portal and it English version in where we outline the reasons to invest in Colombia in general, but also with regionalized and sectored information”, pointed out María Claudia Lacouture, from PROCOLOMBIA Colombia.

Amongst innovations in digital strategies, PROCOLOMBIA offers the investor tools such as an interactive map with the opportunities the country has to offer, information on standing legislation, economic indicators and testimonials of already settled foreign companies, amongst others.

Also, PROCOLOMBIA is the second entity for investment promotion with the best strategy in social networks.   In this segment, it was only surpassed by the New York Agency for Cooperation in Economic Development.

“Foreign business persons can request online information within our portal for their sectors of interest and they receive a prompt reply to their enquiries. Likewise, the information by sector is broadcasted through social networks to have an active communications channel of the opportunities and advantages the country offers for investment”, said PROCOLOMBIA’s President.

An elite group of judges that included the fDi Magazine editors, Financial Times managers and consultants evaluated the web pages, and considered criteria such as the portals’ presentation, the space to highlight opportunities, the usefulness of the existing information, the investors’ attention channels, the communication via social networks, and the use of multimedia platforms, amongst others.

The high scores achieved in the country classification allowed Colombia to place itself in the fourth place worldwide, behind Ireland, Costa Rica and United Kingdom, and surpassing the plan Morocco is currently on.

Ireland took the first place, as per the general classification made by fDi. The subsequent positions were occupied by Columbus (Ohio State, in United States) Scotland, Calgary (Canada) and Hong Kong.

PROCOLOMBIA, the Colombian entity in charge of promoting exports, attracting international tourism and foreign investment, took the 18th place, as leader in South America and in the Top 20, Surpassing Berlin and London’s strategies.

The purpose of these awards is to highlight the role played by the investment promotion agencies around the world and highlight those which perform better in digital media, which allows a greater closeness with investors and the creative broadcasting of the opportunities in each country.

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