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PROCOLOMBIA Events Agenda – May 30th to June 5th, 2011

During the week of May 30th to June 5th, 2011, Proexport Colombia will participate in the following national and international events.

List of events:

The Ministry of Trade and PROCOLOMBIA Introduce the U 20 World Cup Promotion Strategy

1. Monday, May 30th in Bogotá , at Hotel Tequendama - Saló n Bolí var- at 10:00 a.m., the Ministry of Industry and Trade and PROCOLOMBIA will introduce the national and international strategy to promote the  U 20 World Cup to promote tourism in the eight host cities, as well as the country as business, tourism and investment destination.

The event will offer presentations of the Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism, Sergio Dí az-Granados the Minister if Information Technologies and Communications, Diego Molano the Vice Minister of Tourism, Oscar Rueda Garcí a the President of PROCOLOMBIA, Marí a Claudia Lacouture the Director of the Tourism Promotion Fund, Adriana Saavedra and the Manager of the  U 20 World Cup Championship, Fernando Panesso. 

At the end of the presentation, a press release will be held in the same venue.

Hotel Tequendama - Saló n Bolí var
30 de mayo de 2011

Second part of the promotion of Colombia as the  U 20 World Cup Venue 20

2. From Monday, May 30th to Friday, June 3rd, the second phase of the international tourism promotion round in Colombia will take place, as the  U 20 Word Cup venue, which shall take place from July to August of this year.

Through workshops to be carried out on May 30th in Quito, June 1st in Caracas, June 2nd in Sao Paulo and June 3rd in Buenos Aires, tourism and hotel operators will present the options that foreign visitors will have in the  U 20 World Cup venues.

Workshops are organized by PROCOLOMBIA through its commercial offices in Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil and Chile and will include the participation of travel agents and wholesale operators who may sell the Colombian product and who may review work opportunities with Colombian entrepreneurs.

Quito, Ecuador Caracas, Venezuela Sao Paulo, Brasil Buenos Aires, Argentina
30 de mayo al 3 de junio de 2011

Petit Futé , a French Guide, Travels Throughout Colombia

3. From May 17th to July 3rd, PROCOLOMBIA, through the Vacations Tourism Management, the attendance of the tourism guide writer, Petit Futé and the cooperation of the writer Anais Voron from France, will travel through the different Colombian destinations to learn about the tourism offer and obtain first-hand information to prepare the new edition of the Petit Futé tourism guide, focused on the French market.

They will visit the Coffee Triangle, Cali, Popayá n, Tierradentro, San Agustí n, Nuquí , Medellí n, Villa de Leyva, San Gil, Santa Marta - Tayrona, Cartagena, and Bogotá . The issuance of this Guide should be ready in two months.

Cartagena as Tourism Destination of Wye&rsquo s Hay Festival

4. In order to promote Cartagena as Historical and Cultural tourism destination, PROCOLOMBIA, together with Corporació n de Cartagena, the cooperation of Tierra Magna and the Corporació n de Turismo de Cartagena, participates in Wye&rsquo s Hay Festival in Wales, which will be carried out from May 26th to June 5th.

This important event that promotes culture, arts, literature, visual arts and environment, among others, will include a Colombian stand to promote the Heroic City.

The Hay Festival in Cartagena de Indias was the first international version of the festival outside the United Kingdom in 2006 and to date, it is still been carried out in such country. 

Link to the event:

Seatrade South America Cruise Convention en Brazil

5. In the first edition of the Seatrade South America, organized by the most important cruise fair on the market, there will be cruise line executives and representatives, service vendors, government agencies, port authorities, wholesalers and retailers on May 30 and 31 at the Hotel Holiday Inn Hotel in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

PROCOLOMBIA will attend to introduce the Colombia cruise offer to the South American market, in order to increase the flow of tourists. In such event, seasonal launches will take place it will be open to the public, at no charge. We expect 2,500 visitors.

This is one of the largest meetings in the cruise sector worldwide, which gathers the main sector members, such as cruise lines, ports, tourism operators and regional institutions.

Historically, it has been held in United States, Europe and Asia. Due to the importance gained by the Latin American market in terms of cruises, a decision was made to prepare a South American version.


Seminar on Natural Tourism in Cartagena and San Andres

6. Next week, the Natural Tourism workshop round will continue, which seeks to presents the new trends in this segment in Colombia and the relevant criteria for development nationally and internationally.

The next workshop will be held in Cartagena de Indias on May 31st, 2011 at Hotel Capilla del Mar and on June 3rd at Hotel Sunrise in San André s Island. We expect entrepreneurs, tourism operators, hotel representatives, trade association and tourism secretariats.

PROCOLOMBIA, through the Tourism Vice Presidency and Zeiky, together with the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism and the Vice Ministry of Tourism, are organizing the event to be held in San André s, San Gil, Cali and Leticia.

Triple S from Puerto Rico makes incentive trips to Cartagena

7. The first week of June, 74 entrepreneurs from Triple S, the largest Insurance Company in Puerto Rico, will visit Cartagena in an incentives trip.

PROCOLOMBIA, through the Caribbean commercial office and the regional Caribbean office in Cartagena, will become part of the entities that will organize the agenda of these important entrepreneurs, and will offer a dinner to present the destinations during their last night in the city.

PROCOLOMBIA at Meetings and Incentives Forum 2011

8. PROCOLOMBIA will participate in " Meetings and Incentives" on May 31st, seeking to establish long term relations with incentive groups.

The event will last four days in Palm Beach, Florida, where 50 pre-scheduled, one-to-on meetings will take place. The activities foreseen for these days provide networking opportunities in a series of gatherings that are adequate to establish opportunities.

AVAVIT 2011 Tourism Fair in Caracas

9. In order to maintain our positioning as an appealing, diverse and safe destination to go on vacations and generate business opportunities for our tourism offer, PROCOLOMBIA will attend for the third time to AVAVIT 2011, with the Sun and Beach, History, Culture and Lifestyle, Adventure and Nature products. The event will be held from June 2 to 4th at Hotel Tamanaco Intercontinental in Caracas, Venezuela.

AVAVIT is the most important vacation tourism fair in Venezuela, organized by the private sector, with the attendance of one thousand persons in average. It is aimed at the vacation center, targeted to the professional audience. However, the first three days, it will be open to the public in general. We will have the attendance of tour, hotel, reservation system operators and vendors from the entire tourism chain. 


Colombian Week in Santo Domingo

11. At Puerto Sansouci, Santo Domingo, from May 31st to June 4th, PROCOLOMBIA, together with Copa Airlines, will participate in the Feria de Moda del Caribe, with the Colombian designer Giovanny Lopez as the special guest, in order to promote Colombia as fashion destination. 

Colombia en Caribbean Fashion Week

11. At Puerto Sansouci, Santo Domingo, from May 31st to June 4th, PROCOLOMBIA, together with Copa Airlines, will participate in the Feria de Moda del Caribe, with the Colombian designer Giovanny Lopez as the special guest, in order to promote Colombia as fashion destination. 


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