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PROCOLOMBIA Brings 125 International Buyers to Bogota Flower Fair

Buyers will be at the Proexport-organized business fair during Proflora from October 2 to 4, where they will see what the 79 participating Colombian exporters have to offer.

Supermarkets, funeral homes, event organizers, florist associations, florists, distributors and sellers all come from the flower grower sector of their respective countries and will also come to Bogota to buy Colombian flowers.

In total 125 buyers from 29 countries have confirmed their participation in the business forum which PROCOLOMBIA is organizing at Proflora 2013, a fair at Corferias organized by the Association of Colombian Flower Exporters (Ascolflores for its Spanish acronym).

"We have two clear objectives with this business meeting. First, to consolidate the historical markets for Colombian exports,focusing on new buyers and taking advantage of trade agreements. Second, to bring entrepreneurs from countries that are beginning to show a growing interest for Colombian flowers," confirmed PROCOLOMBIA president Maria Claudia Lacouture.

Therefore, buyers will be coming not only from the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan and Canada, that import the most Colombian products, but also from Australia, Belarus, Brazil, Chile, South Korea, the United Arab Emirates, Slovenia, Spain, the Philippines, Finland, France, Holland, Hungary, India, Israel, Poland, Puerto Rico, the Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the Ukraine.

Of the 125 participants, 50 are making their first trip to Colombia. " The flower growing sector in our country has been exporting for nearly 40 years during that time we have learned how to develop our strengths and show them to the world. Today, the country has become a hub for producers, providers and logistics in the region," explained Lacouture.

The PROCOLOMBIA president underscored that the Colombian industry's strengths include having favorable conditions of light, humidity, temperature and soil fertility, which facilitate growth and mean that flowers are available year-round.

Furthermore, there are around 1,500 varieties of exotic flowers, and, according to Trade Map data, in 2012 Colombia was the main exporter of carnations in the world and the second largest exporter of flowers in the world. Colombia Exported USD 1,279 million in flowers.

Between January and June 2013, exports reached a total of USD 744 million, 9.1% more that was reported for the same period in 2012 according to information from the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, with DANE data.

Main Products Exported by Colombia

  • Roses: This is the leading product in the country, together with carnations. Mainly produced the in red, Freedom variety.
  • Carnations: Colombia is the main producer of this product in the world. It was the first flower sent by Colombian flower growers to the United States in 1965. Two colors of carnations are the main exports, but there are other colors too. The great variety of mini-carnations available on the Colombian market is also recognized.
  • Chrysanthemums: The addition and expansion of this flower in the country is related to Colombian flower growers' efforts to diversify their supply.
  • Peruvian Lilies: Colombia is also the world leader in production of this flower. There are between 200 and 250 hectares of this plant.
  • Others: Gerber daisies, bouquets and heliconias.
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