Support was also agreed upon for a total of twenty companies through the program Expopyme 2.0, with funds of up to 75% (in equal parts by the Governor&rsquo s Office, the Chamber of Commerce and PROCOLOMBIA), in order to specify success export cases with innovation and diversification.
The encounter was inaugurated by the Governor of Tolima, Oscar Barreto Quiroga, who emphasized to the attending business people on the importance of providing international-level products and services and promoting an exportation culture for PROCOLOMBIA to help them be promoted abroad.
The Vice President of PROCOLOMBIA, Ricardo Vallejo, explained the suite of services provided by the organization and emphasized on its calling as a facilitator for these processes and the search for exportation opportunities, foreign investment and international tourism.
After the inauguration session, the group of business people split into three different rooms in the Tolima Convention Center to deal with specific issues on the sectors of Clothing, Agro-industry and Tourism.
The Tolima Clothing-Textile Cluster Director, Julio Cesar Mendoza, expressed to the Tolima press how " greatly satisfied&rdquo he was by the results from the meeting, and stated that concrete commitments were agreed with regard to the participation of companies from the international trade-show and business rounds sectors, organized by Proexport.