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PROCOLOMBIA and Coca-Cola in partnership to promote Colombian fruits abroad.

• North America, Western Europe and Asia are the regions that most consume fruit juices. • Coca-Cola is one of the main buyers of Colombian fruit.

The Coca-Cola system and PROCOLOMBIA launched a strategic alliance to promote the consumption of Colombian fruits abroad.

This is a new way to promote Colombian fruits that will come directly to potential consumers and / or buyers, which will benefit domestic exporters. This strategy is complementary to the participation of exporters in international fairs and trade missions led by PROCOLOMBIA Colombia.

As part of this project, offices of The Coca-Cola Company around the world received a kit with presentations from Del Valle blackberry, mango and lulo juice, in order to introduce these fruits and their various presentations. 

"The fruit sector in Colombia is of major socio-economic importance. An estimated 400,000 Colombian farmers are involved in horticulture and have an average size farms of one hectare, so this alliance for the promotion of fruit with The Coca-Cola Company in Colombia is very positive for Colombian exporters," said the President of PROCOLOMBIA, María Claudia Lacouture.

One of PROCOLOMBIA's strategic streams is the promotion of non-traditional exports around the world. On the other hand, one of The Coca-Cola system's top priorities is to contribute to the development of the countries where it operates in partnership with public and private entities. This initiative will raise awareness of Colombian fruits in other markets. 

"According to FAO statistics, Colombia is among the world's largest producers of a variety of fruits like papaya, fresh tropical fruits, bananas and pineapple, and we have identified, through various activities, exotic fruits like gulupa, pitahaya and uchuva, which are well accepted in markets such as Asia," said Lacouture.

The fruit used in The Coca-Cola Company's products was acquired by Coca-Cola FEMSA, producers and marketers of Del Valle juice.

In the process of identifying opportunities, led by PROCOLOMBIA, it was found that there are opportunities in Chile and the Caribbean market in European countries, specifically in Portugal, Germany and the Netherlands.

Industry figures

In 2010, Colombia exported US$ 46.2 million in fruits, a million more than in 2009, according to information issued by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, based on DANE figures.

The three main destinations were the Netherlands, Germany and the United States. By product, the leaders were uchuva, as the most exported fruit with US$ 22.2 million, gulupa with US$9.2 million, and Tahiti with exports for US$2.9 million. 

The alliance between Coca-Cola and PROCOLOMBIA seeks to create greater awareness on the quality of national fruit and increase exports, given that consumers in the world respond better to natural products that create health and wellness with local flavors and functional components. Drinks with antioxidants and vitamins are a plus in showing health benefits. 

Benefits of fruits

Lulo fruit and blackberries are fruits that offer great benefits to consumers, according to Asohofrucol the Horticultural Association of Colombia.

For example, lulo is rich in vitamin C, iron and toning properties are also attributed. Lulo juice acts as a solvent of toxins present in the body, it helps the functioning of the kidneys and reduces buildup of uric acid in the blood, among other properties. The fruit is an exotic ingredient for gourmet sauces, fruit salads and vegetables. 

Lulo occurs in Antioquia, Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Risaralda, Valle del Cauca, Tolima and Huila.

The mango, due to its rich acid and vitamin A content, is an antioxidant fruit that helps lower cholesterol levels and hypertension, improves eye health, the proper functioning of the heart, nervous system, skin and hair, among other properties.

This fruit grows in the Atlantic coast, Antioquia, Tolima and Cauca.

The blackberry has vitamin A, B, C, calcium, magnesium, iron and copper among other components. It helps protect the body from the premature aging of cells, it treats diseases such as rheumatism, gout and diabetes, among others. Frequent consumption can reduce levels of fat in the arteries and fight anemia. 

This fruit is produced in Antioquia, Cundinamarca, Tolima, Valle del Cauca, Cauca and Huila.

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