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The process for Deep Integration Area Chile, Peru and Colombia is Making Progress in Lima

The chairpersons of the three entities have been in session for two days and have exchanged information about the work done by each one of them and the opportunities each country has to promote exports, attract tourism and investment from the Asian Continent.

The process for deep integration among the agencies for commercial promotion from Chile, Peru and Colombia is making progress this Wednesday with a new work meeting of the delegates from Prochile, Promperu and Proexport..

" The objective is to make the work plan to be performed during the year 2011 and which will include days for exchanges among the three entities to share the strengths each one has, as well as the activities performed in Asian countries to be performed during the second semester of the year, such as seminars and commercial missions&rdquo , has explained Mar&iacute a Claudia Lacouture, Chair of PROCOLOMBIA Colombia.

The process for the integration of the three countries is aiming to conquer the Asian Pacific is being held after the instruction given by the Presidents of the three countries last year. This integration is seeking to optimize the existing resources to get as much as possible. For example PROCOLOMBIA has a commercial office in China, and Prochile has presence in another 11 nations of the region.

Team work will allow for the participation as a group, regarding promoting exports, in international fairs, sector exporting planning, creating campaigns to strengthen the image of the country, activating opinion leaders and customers, developing commercial missions,  projects per sectors, macro &ndash rounds and studies of the market place.

In the area of tourism it will be possible to work on the making of market studies, identifying wholesalers and participating as a group in fairs of the sector.

In the area of investments, market studies, identification of investing trends and contacts with the main investors.

Also, regarding Im&aacute gen Pa&iacute s, it will be possible to make some progress in the area of relationships with the authorities and announcements in the means of communication, which will specifically allow Colombia to work in entering Apec.

All meetings are led by the general secretary of Promper&uacute , Pilar Pajares Say&aacute n the director of Proinversi&oacute n, Harru Chang the director of Prochile, F&eacute lix De Vicente and the chairwoman of PROCOLOMBIA, Mar&iacute a Claudia Lacouture.

Jaime Pomareda, the general director for the economic promotion of the Chancery of Peru, and Luis Torres, national director of foreign trade will also take part in these meetings.

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