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Pro-Barranquilla takes on regional directorate of WAIPA

This is the adherence of the Barranquilla and Atlantico Investment Promotion Agency to the board of directors of the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies, as acknowledgement to their excellent work in the region.

Pro-Barranquilla, the Investment Promotion agency of the capital city of Atlá ntico, took on the Regional Directorate for South America of the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies, WAIPA, which also commended the entity for the work carried out in benefit of the sustainable economic development of the region.                           

This important acknowledgement not only contributes to the development of the globalization of Atlá ntico, but also to the streamlining of the national economy by opening new foreign investment channels to the country, and the promotion of the province and of Colombia worldwide.

The appointment also constitutes a major achievement for the cooperation agreement between PROCOLOMBIA and the region in the process to attract direct foreign investment in Atlá ntico.

At present, ProBarranquilla works to encourage national and foreign companies to invest in the region. Furthermore, it has been key for the establishment, in the past five years, of 187 companies in Barranquilla and in Atlá ntico, which have generated more than 15 thousand employees.

The World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies, WAIPA, has 245 national and sub-national agencies from 162 countries worldwide.

WAIPA seeks to nourish its members with successful cases from other agencies in their practices to attract direct foreign investment through a network where all members are mutually supportive.

Internationally renowned agencies, such as Promos de Milá n, Dubai Foreign Investment Office, ProMé xico, among others, are currently Regional Directorates of WAIPA worldwide and, like ProBarranquilla, are models to replicate in terms of attraction of investment and promotion of local and regional economies.

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