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Latin American and Caribbean Business Matchmaking Forum in Bucaramanga generated business prospects for US$47 million

During the two days there were 2,380 business appointments between international buyers from 17 countries and 324 Colombian exporters.

The Latin American and Caribbean Business Matchmaking Forum which took place in Bucaramanga generated business prospects for US$47 million, after the appointments held by 145 international entrepreneurs with 324 Colombian exporters.     

A total of 2,380 appointments took place at Cenfer, where effectiveness and punctuality were the name of the game among all participants at the event organized by PROCOLOMBIA, where the presence of SMEs was notorious and gave them many opportunities to do business.

Concrete business deals were closed during the event for US$2.8 million. Business prospects were as follows:

  • Between the next one to three months: US$7,818,245
  • Between the next three to six months: US$12,960,800
  • After the following six months: US$23,262,980

According to the information compiled by PROCOLOMBIA, the Manufacturing sector had the highest participation with 52.8% and prospects in the amount of US$25 million followed by the Agro-industry sector with 36.9% and prospects for US$17 million, and clothing and garments for 10.3 percent and almost US$5 million.

Participation by countries was led by Mexico with 27.1 percent, Peru with 19.6 percent and Chile with 10.2 percent.

International buyers came from 17 countries.  Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Netherlands Antilles, Barbados, Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, Honduras, Jamaica, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago.

" It was excellent and the logistics were very good. I have six possibilities with business potential&rdquo , said Tomas Ayala, a Panamanian distributor of spa and beauty salon products. " Colombia is a pioneer in aesthetics products because they dare to explore more than Panamanians and North Americans&rdquo , he said.

Others found products they weren&rsquo t even looking for. " I was focused on bathing suits and when I was here and saw their baby and children&rsquo s clothing products I made several contacts with whom I could trade in Mexico&rdquo , said Karla Trinidad Tagle.

On the other hand, Colombian exporters highlighted the opportunity to interact with the various international buyers. " This Business Matchmaking Forum was characterized by an increased interest in purchasing. I made three contacts with whom to do business" , said Sor Angel Prada, representative of a food and frozen products packaging company.

" This was a very important event for the region and the city. I leave very satisfied&rdquo , said Mercedes Reyes, Clothing sector exporter.

The effectiveness of the negotiation was also well acknowledged. " It has been successful for every company. We had 16 appointments, of which we consider 50% have high chances for exports" , added John Alvarez, a Bogota food sector exporter.

Mariana Velez, an entrepreneur from Medellin, shared the same opinion. " I did very well. I already closed a business deal with Brazil, and there are possibilities with companies from Mexico, Ecuador and Chile&rdquo .

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