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International Buyers Highlight Colombia’s Publishing Quality

During the III Business Rounds at the Bogota Book Fair, participants rated the country as the regional benchmark for the publication and sale of books.

The third edition of the Business Rounds taking place at the International Book Fair in Bogota, reestablished the Colombian Publishing Industry&rsquo s position at international level.

All 132 international buyers invited to the event by PROCOLOMBIA arrived in the Colombian capital city in the search for a varied book offering, but in any case they all agreed on highlighting the quality of domestic products.

" Colombia is now a benchmark for the Latin American publishing sector, especially for the countries from the formerly called Andean Pact&rdquo , said Thierry Sebastia, Ecuadorian entrepreneur who came looking for novels and children&rsquo s, university and technical books.

" It is one of the countries always showing innovations. Specifically around education, which is what interests me, it has always been at the forefront. That is why my visit is intended to become familiar with all the innovations offered by Colombian exporters&rdquo , added Carlos Quiroz from Costa Rica.

Most booksellers, publishers and distributors who participated in the event, organized by PROCOLOMBIA, the Book Chamber of Commerce and Corferias, agreed that the Bogota Book Fair has become one of the main events in their business agenda.

Furthermore, they agree that the country has always offered a good product, not only given the quality of its content but also the quality of its authors and competitive prices.

" I came to look for books on Colombian art and architecture because there are many museums and libraries in the United States looking for material about Colombia&rdquo , explained Beverly Karno, a buyer from the United States.

Cindy Tracy, another attendee, is also from the United States but decided to visit the country for different reasons the first time. " In my country there are a lot of schools where they teach Spanish, and they do not any have Social Science texts in the language.  There is a market that has not yet been exploited, therefore I have come to buy books and audio books&rdquo , she said.

Coming from Ecuador, Mé xico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic, Argentina, United States, Nicaragua, Chile, Honduras, Venezuela, Bolivia, Puerto Rico, Uruguay and Paraguay, international buyers will now have the opportunity to visit the stands of 400 national exhibitors who will be at the Book Fair offering the latest novelties in the sector.

On the other hand, Colombian exporters reaffirmed that the publishing sector offers multiple business opportunities. " I tell all foreign clients that they can find talent in Colombia.  There is a lot of creativity in this country&rdquo , said Hernando Giraldo.

" We have authors, illustrators and editorial products that are at the level of any other country&rdquo , said Maria Osorio.

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