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Golden berry: exotic fruit and lifestyle

Golden berry

The golden berry is one of the most exotic fruits of Colombia, being exported to different countries. Get to know all about it, including its great benefits.

How are the golden berries

This exotic fruit &ndash also known as gooseberry&ndash is round, orange, sweet and small. It has yellow bell-shaped flowers around it, which facilitate the pollination of insects. It is a bush fruit and its appearance is very similar to the one of a cherry tomato. 

The golden berry is originally from South America but is currently cultivated in several countries of the different continents. It grows in regions located between 5.900 and 11.800 feet above sea level, with high luminosity and temperatures between 55 and 64 degrees.



Properties and uses of the gold berry in beauty

The golden berry is a fruit rich in antioxidants and vitamins A and C, helping the skin to become more luminous and avoid premature aging. Also, these components help collagen production and remove impurities from the skin. With this exotic fruit, you can make masks for all skin types.


It has been discovered, thanks to some laboratory tests, that golden berry leaves are ideal for treating things such as flaccidity, open pores, and skin elasticity. Besides, these leaves lengthen the lifespan of the fruit and have a molecule (peruvious) that is being explored in the cosmetics field.


Benefits of golden berries for health and fitness

The physalis peruviana is a fruit that has a wide variety of nutritional and healing properties. Both leaves and fruit have an important therapeutic and tranquilizing use. Also, being an antioxidant, it serves to purify and detoxify the whole body.


This fruit offers benefits for different health issues. These are some of them: serves to treat cataracts and mouth affections, destroys intestinal parasites, helps keep the immune system in good conditions, protects bones from degenerative diseases, contributes to the formation of red blood cells and has diuretic and energetic properties.


Nutritional applications of the golden berry

The golden berry has great nutritional benefits that can be obtained in any of its presentations. It provides vitamins and minerals to the organism, as well as helping to a healthy digestive process due to the high percentage of fiber it contains. Its seeds help to level the body&rsquo s fats, preventing the appearance of cardiovascular diseases.


This fruit is used to lose weight, due to its low caloric content and because it can be consumed as normal fruit, in juices or infusions with its leaves. Compared to other fruits, the golden berries have low sugar content, avoiding the elevation of the glycemic index.


Example of a recipe with golden berries

This exotic fruit can be consumed alone, in desserts, such as syrup or salad dressing. The following is a recipe to make a sauce with golden berries, special to serve with meats.


Golden Berry Sauce



  • 200 grams of golden berries
  • 1/4 cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1/4 cup of chopped onion
  • 1/2 teaspoon of garlic paste
  • 1/4 teaspoon of grated ginger
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of mustard
  • 2 tablespoons of white balsamic vinegar
  • 1/2 tablespoon of cornstarch




  1. Remove the leaves that protect the golden berries and wash them
  2. Blend them with water and strain them to get a cup of juice
  3. Put the oil in a hot pot and apart, in a frying pan, saute the onion, garlic, and ginger
  4. Add to the pot 3/4 of the golden berry juice, sugar, mustard and vinegar
  5. Boil gently for 5 minutes and then add the mixture that was in the frying pan
  6. Mix the cornstarch in the 1/4 of the remaining golden berry juice, add it to the pot and beat until lightly thicken the sauce
  7. Serve the sauce with the meat and chosen sides
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