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Exports Will Bolster the Meat Industry in Colombia

This conclusion results from a survey conducted by Proexport Colombia establishing the roadmap the country should follow to position itself among the top international suppliers for the next 10 years.

Exploring the opportunities in international markets is the best strategy to strengthen the Colombian meat industry, as well as to increase quality and ensure long-term economic viability.

This was one of the main findings from a survey carried out by PROCOLOMBIA in conjunction with Uruguayan consultancy firm CPA Ferrere, with the aim to sketch a roadmap that would place the country among the top meat suppliers in the world.

" Meeting international standards is the strategy employed by the most successful countries, including Australia, New Zealand, and Uruguay. Exports are the best option to develop meat production chains and make them more modern, efficient and sophisticated for this process, PROCOLOMBIA is an ally for entrepreneurs as we understand the market and the opportunities in foreign trade&rdquo , stated the President of PROCOLOMBIA, Maria Claudia Lacouture.

The survey was presented to entrepreneurs during the 2nd International Bovine Meat Industry Seminar organized in Monteria by the Colombian Federation of Cattle Farmers (Federacion Colombiana de Ganaderos, Fedegan), stressing the importance of providing value-added products to the market.

The roadmap goes beyond the short term, that is, the immediate challenges of accessing different markets and developing industrial refrigeration technology to produce exportable commodities, for example, frozen meat. " The purpose is that both the public and private sectors make long-term investment decisions to achieve goals, for example, exporting high-quality frozen cuts and ready-to-eat meat products&rdquo , explained Lacouture.

These challenges include investment in more sophisticated technological procedures to process meat products, having Colombian meat to stand out abroad and recognized as being made in Colombia. The survey recommends taking actions in the productive, commercial and institutional arenas to double the industry' s production capacity within the next 10 years.

According to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism and data provided by the National Administrative Department of Statistics, Colombia exported $62.6 million USD in 2012. Between January and September 2013, the amount increased to $142.4 million USD, while in the same period of 2012, the amount was $36 million USD.

Colombia&rsquo s Potential

The future of the Colombian meat industry will be determined by two factors: Colombia' s potential as a producer and the increasing demand by the international market.

According to the Fedegan, Colombia has the fourth largest stock in Latin America behind Brazil, Argentina and Mexico, with 23.5 million head of cattle, and is among the top 13 producers in the world.

The country&rsquo s greatest potential lies, however, in the possibility of productive expansion with new available grazing areas, as " the increase in grain prices, mainly corn because of its application in biofuels, has brought the need for a more efficient utilization of animal food resources&rdquo , suggested the survey by PROCOLOMBIA Colombia.

In addition, the country&rsquo s geographical location allows cattle to feed on grass all year round, avoiding hormones or growth agents and following the natural development and fattening cycle of cattle which, according to Fedegan, allows " producing clean, biologic and organic meat products with high demand in the international markets.&rdquo

On the other hand, the increasing global demand for meat allows the sector to plan for the long term. According to estimates by consultancy firm GIRA, meat consumption in the world is expected to increase to 40 million tons between 2010-2020.

PROCOLOMBIA' s survey concluded that Asia and Africa are the continents where demand will grow the most.

These continents currently play a key role as bovine meat buyers, as according to Trademap, the main importers in the world in 2012 included China, South Korea, Egypt, and the European Union, are becoming the markets with the greatest opportunities for Colombian exports, subject to access protocols. Behind these are Canada, Chile, Venezuela, and Mexico.

A Few Suggestions from the Survey

  • Industrial plants must be modern and technified. Items to consider include holding yards, slaughter areas, refrigeration systems, chambers and warehouses, effluent treatment, and water and power management.
  • Regarding trade, Good Cattle Farming Practices must be promoted, particularly those related to Animal Welfare, an increasingly important requirement in commerce.
  • Market access and penetration is the goal behind achieving sanitary admissibility, protocols and commercial equivalencies, ritual slaughter requirements, and commercial control of quotas.
  • It is necessary to develop a serious " country brand&rdquo to achieve product appreciation.
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