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Explore Colombia’s Natural, Rural, and Ecotourism

With a great variety of landscapes, climates, and biodiversity, Colombia gives visitors the opportunity to experience nature and culture through different types of tourism.

Natural Tourism: Ecological and cultural diversity is appreciated in full splendour in areas of the Natural National Parks System. Colombia&rsquo s parks make up one of the most important elements in natural tourism for Colombians. Foreigners can enjoy different landscapes such as snow peaks, volcanoes, and tropical jungles on monitored activities that produce minimum impact on the ecosystems and respect cultural heritage. From the National Parks of Tayrona in Santa Marta in the north, to the Caribbean Sea in the west, and south to the Amazon, Colombia offers various types of environments to enjoy nature&rsquo s gift.

With approximately 1,876 species, Colombia is home to the world&rsquo s largest bird diversity in the world. Colombia is a paradise for bird watchers, offering countless opportunities for watching in the Andes Mountains, the Amazon (in the southeast), Chocó jungles (in the northwest), the Eastern Plains, the lowlands in the Caribbean, and the inter-Andean valleys. New species are always being discovered, analysed and described in traditional bird-watching areas. Additionally, Colombia contains the world&rsquo s second highest plant species rates third in reptiles species and fifth in mammals. Aside from the country&rsquo s wildlife component, Colombia also offers the peace and charm of more than 300 beaches on two different ocean coasts.

Rural Tourism: The rural areas in Colombia captivate travellers with their calm landscapes and cultural traditions expressed through music, gastronomy, daily work and traditional celebrations.

With the country&rsquo s crystal waterfalls, numerous fields and crops, beautiful stone trails and farms, rural areas of Colombia dazzle and welcome its tourists. The cultural richness of Colombia is an intricate part of rural tourism by allowing visitors to appreciate cultural values, customs, and activities of peasant life - which still preserves its ancestral authenticity, proper to the various regions in the country.

Ecological trails, beautiful landscapes, and a variety of activities that propose exclusive contact with nature and with farmers' daily tasks all make up the land&rsquo s magical and unforgettable impressions.

Ecotourism: Ecological tourism or Ecotourism is translated as responsible travel to natural regions that preserve the environment and the wellbeing of the local inhabitants. Bird watching in the valleys and whale watching in the Pacific Coast are some of the unique attractions foreigners can take advantage of while in Colombia. Respecting the natural surroundings of its population, ecotourism offers travellers the opportunity to experience the organic wonders the country has to offer.

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