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The Colombian Publishing Industry has Opportunities Abroad

Children’s, educational, religious and self-aid books, and encyclopedias, among others, are the main exportable offering of the Colombian industry to countries like the United States, Mexico, Panama and Ecuador.

The Colombian publishing industry has attractive business opportunities in the United States, Mexico, Panama and Ecuador, the markets where the sector&rsquo s products are mainly active in.

According to the report by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, and based on DANE figures, the United States ranked as the number one trade partner for Colombia in 2010 as far as book exports are concerned, representing 22% of the sector&rsquo s exports. Following are Mexico, Ecuador, Venezuela and Panama, with participations of 15%, 11%, 10% and 9% accordingly.

The editorial sector&rsquo s exports added up to a total of US$99 million dollars last year, per the same report, while between January and February 2011, foreign sales reached US$14 million, proving a growth of 2.9% in comparison with the same period, last year.

The Colombian products leading exports in the industry were dictionaries and encyclopedias, self-aid and religious books, children&rsquo s&rsquo literature, book collections, university text printouts and low-cost text printing.

The Colombian publishing sector&rsquo s opportunities in Mexico are represented by religious, children&rsquo s and text books. According to an opportunities study conducted by PROCOLOMBIA, this market considers price, prompt product deliveries, work quality and financing possibilities at the time of purchasing.

On the other hand, school and university texts are Colombia's opportunities in Ecuador thanks to their quality, shipping costs, the language and availability.

The Brazilian central government established that Spanish teaching is mandatory in all elementary and secondary grades at both public and private schools as of 2011. These academic books represent an opportunity for the Colombian industry in the market in that country.

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