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Colombian exporters concluded their presentation at Sial Canada with business expectations of USD$10.7 million.

Nine national food companies were present, encouraged by the FTA with the North American country, in effect since last year.

With business expectations of USD$10.7 million, the participation of nine Colombian companies concluded at Sial Canada, one of the most important food fairs in the world.

With the Support of PROCOLOMBIA, they installed themselves in a stand where they offered various products such as turrons, special coffee, chocolates, sugars and healthy snacks.

Mario Salcedo from Astor Bakery, with its confectionery line, assured that, " the people that came seemed very receptive to our products. Some very interesting contacts were made for business in the near future."

" The best fair I have been in because people did not come just to walk around but to do business. Many people interested now the tough part will be to choose the clients," added Jaime Dorronsoro, manager of Del Alba.

The companies Repostería El Astor, Café Liofilizado Buendía, Ingenio Risaralda, Ciamsa, Del Alba, South Commerce Group, Mayaguez, Dipsa Food and Grupo Tayronaca arrived at the Palais des Congrès de Montreal, where the Canadian exhibition took place. 

The snacks based on soy and macadamias, for example, drew the attention of specialized journalists that approached the Colombian stand. " I see much potential for them in the market, not just because of their originality, but also because of their dietary potential," said one journalist from FoodServices Magazine.

In turn, Jean Pelletier, a buyer interested in importing Colombian products, after learning of the Colombian supply of fruit- and seed-based snacks, stated that, " they are excellent products and I love the packaging. They are a good way to refresh the market."

Standing next to him was Andrés Mesa, representing Dipsa Foods, who said, " the reception that healthy products based on exotic fruit and seeds have had demonstrates the new trends in the Canadian market. Our advantage is that we have products with dietary wealth and exotic flavors. We made many contacts thanks to this."

According to information from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, with data from the DANE, Colombia exported USD$614.4 million in 2011, 15.5 percent more than in 2010. The agro-industrial sector showed the greatest growth, with sales totaling USD$77.9 million, which represented an increase of 43.2 percent with respect to the previous year.

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