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Colombian Chefs Promoted Colombia as Tourism Destination in Madrid

Colombian Chefs Promoted Colombia as Tourism Destination in Madrid

They attended, with the support of Proexport, to Millesime, the most important gastronomy event in the Spanish capital.

Leonor Espinosa, from Cartagena, Carlos Yanguas, from Cali and Mark Raush from Bogota were responsible for leaving a mark with their Colombian gastronomy at Millesime, the most important gastronomy event in Madrid.

The three Colombian chefs who attended to the fair with the support of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, the Colombian Embassy in Spain and PROCOLOMBIA, prepared various Colombian dishes including fish, beef and deserts, seasoned with chontaduro (fruit of a local palm), cooked in the traditional plantain leaf, or with a hit of guanabana and lulo, among others.

The gastronomy sample is part of PROCOLOMBIA’s strategy to include these activities in events abroad, to promote the country as gastronomy tourism destination.

"We have implemented promotion actions in the Latin American market and, in some European markets, the gastronomy tourism product is still under development ", affirmed María Claudia Lacouture, President of Proexport.

The entity has identified some wholesalers in Brazil, Chile, Argentina and Mexico, which include the gastronomy product in their tourism offers.

"Colombia has an ideal gastronomy offer for all tastes and our participation at Millesime in Madrid is one way to invite Spanish tourists to visit us and enjoy this experience in person ", indicated Lacouture.

The Colombian chefs prepared Colombian dishes, together with the most renowned Spanish and European chefs many of them have been previously awarded the Michelin Stars and Repsol Suns.

During the fair, Colombia will lead the “With the five senses” workshop an interactive space devoted to making demonstrations for small groups, guided by these important chefs, where unusual dishes will be prepared for those who love a nice meal and wine. And it will also be responsible for offering a delightful moment with the 'Estrellas antes de los 35' menu, specially created for the occasion, which will include six dishes, harmonized with five different wines, and which will be tasted by the 800 daily guests expected for the event.

The dishes prepared included crusted tuna with cuca cookies, beef cubes in creole sauce on top of a crispy arepa, white seasonal fish with coconut milk sauce and chontaduro, red onion, red pepper and amazon chili, tarts with crab salad and avocado, “minimontaditos” of beef on top of fried plantain, chocolate and caramel tarts, among others.

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