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Colombia will have new Kimberly-Clark Global Innovation Center

Colombian ingenuity, the country's geographical position, the diversity of resources and confidence to do business, are significant aspects in the decision to be made by the multinational company.

Colombia will host one of the two global innovation centers for research and development of new products with state of the art technology, announced the multinational company Kimberly-Clark, thus confirming the company' s confidence in the country.

The new Kimberly-Clark global innovation center will establish itself in the country with support from PROCOLOMBIA and Colciencias and, along with another one in Korea, they will complement the two that currently exist in Wisconsin and Georgia (USA). These four centers will generate new patentable developments for the benefit of consumers and skilled employment. 

The use of advanced technologies at Kimberly-Clark Colombia, such as Airflex, in developing the institutional line for hand towels that reduce paper consumption, water and energy, Hydroknit gives high absorption power to Wypall cleaning cloths, the Clean Smell molecule used in the manufacturing of Scott toilet paper that encapsulates bathroom odors among others, are some of the reasons why Kimberly-Clark has chosen Colombia for the opening of the center of innovation. 

This is confirmed by Cindy Panning, Vice President of Product Development at Kimberly-Clark. " We chose Kimberly-Clark Colombia, thanks to its experience and track record with more than 44 years in the market, being at the forefront of technology, and because new products developed meet the demands of today' s consumer," says Panning.

Also, Kimberly-Clark Colombia is recognized for its commitment of respect to the environment, constant innovation and superior quality, thanks to the support from Colombian researchers involved in the development and creation of new products exported to more than 40 countries. Moreover, it is the only company from the Group in Latin America with five production plants. 

Colombia was chosen as the place to make this investment thanks to being the third " friendliest" country for doing business in Latin America, and the largest reformer in the region, according to the " Doing Business" report from the World Bank. It is a growing country with macroeconomic stability, where Colombians' buying power is increasing and security conditions are favorable.

All of the above is reflected upon international investors and buyers' growing confidence.   As a result, Moody' s, Standard & Poor' s and Fitch Ratings, risk ratings firms, granted Colombia the degree of investment.

PROCOLOMBIA, hand in hand with its investors

In the selection process to open this research center, Kimberly-Clark had the support of PROCOLOMBIA, for a greater understanding of competitiveness and opportunities the country offers, in addition to an inter-institutional coordination effort with entities like the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, National Planning Department, Colciencias, Andi and Invest in Bogotá , including measures to facilitate the installation of the new global innovation center.

" Kimberly-Clark' s decision to start its innovation center in Colombia confirms the confidence of U.S. investors in the country, who between 2000 and 2010 registered a total of accumulated foreign direct investment of US$ 9,333.1 million, according to figures from the Central Bank. It is also a clear demonstration of the importance of innovation as the locomotive leading the process of economic and social development, and a clear result of the Productive Transformation Program in the field of cosmetics and toiletries," said Maria Claudia Lacouture, President of PROCOLOMBIA Colombia.

Colciencias' role in the election of Kimberly-Clark Colombia

One of the factors determining the choice of Colombia as the location of the Global Center, was the attractive set of tools to support activities of science, technology and innovation in the country.

With respect to human capital training, the Bicentennial Generation program offers 500 doctoral scholarships for Colombians to pursue their studies inside and outside the country. Complementary agreements were signed with world benchmark institutions such as Purdue University from the U.S., through which 60 professionals will be able to take doctoral programs, and 20 young researchers can do their scientific internships. 

Similarly, entrepreneurs and investors interested in developing R & D & i (Research, Development, innovation) can access tools such as the co-funding of University-Business projects, credit for innovation projects, income tax benefits and subsidies for the hiring and training training of business research staff. For example, as of 2012, investments in R & D may deduct up to 175% of income if they meet the established requirements. Therefore, Colciencias has put together an attractive package of incentives for private investment in R & D to fit the needs of business users according to the size, structure and type of investment. 

" The location of the new research and development center of Kimberly-Clark in Colombia is a result of the national government' s commitment to make innovation one of the country' s growth locomotives. We are committed to encourage private sector investment in science, technology and innovation as the distinguishing factor for economic and social prosperity of all Colombians," said Jaime Restrepo Cuartas, director of Colciencias. 

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