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Colombia, a potential health service provider in Curacao

A group of companies will be participating in the first Colombian Health fair on the island this coming December 11th and 12th. The event was organized by Proexport Colombia and the airline Avianca.

A total of 14 Colombian health institutions specializing in cardiology, cancerology, ophthalmology, dentistry, neurology, bariatric surgery and executive medical check-ups will be visiting Curacao this coming 11th and 12th of December, to introduce their health-sector export services portfolio.

Within the framework of the first Colombian health fair to take place at the Hilton Hotel in Curacao, the participating entities will give visitors the information on treatments, medical centers and services in general around the exportable service portfolio the country has to offer.

The sessions will take place between December 11th between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm and December 12th between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm.

The first Colombian Health fair will be held in Curacao by invitation from PROCOLOMBIA and with support from Avianca Airlines. The attending organizations are: Hospital Pablo Tob&oacute n Uribe, Promotora Medica Las Am&eacute ricas, Fundaci&oacute n Cardiovascular, Hospital San Ignacio, Fundaci&oacute n Cardioinfantil, Fundaci&oacute n Abood Shaio, Sonrisas Factory S.A.S, Centro Oftalmol&oacute gico Carriazo, Hospital Departamental Santa Sof&iacute a de Caldas, Cl&iacute nica Colsanitas, Fundaci&oacute n Santa Fe, FOSCAL, Prisma Salud Oral and Coomeva Medicina Prepagada. The above companies are all Colombian organizations located in the cities of Bogot&aacute , Medellin, Pereira, Manizales, Bucaramanga, Barranquilla and Santa Marta.

Colombian health institutions have earned world recognition thanks to their state of the art technology, qualified staff, personalized service, excellent attention times and competitive pricing.

Within the World Health Organization (WHO) ranking, Colombia has taken first place in Latin America and 22nd worldwide in terms of the overall performance of its health systems, which undoubtedly is a guaranteed trademark for more and more foreigners to choose Colombian institutions for their surgical procedures everyday.

As part of its health services export offer, the sector relies on highly qualified personnel, acknowledged for their contributions and innovations to medical science and the realization of highly complex surgeries.  Such is the case of the vaccine against Malaria by Dr. Manuel Elkin Patarroyo.

International patients and travelers have chosen Colombia to have their specialized medical treatments done, thanks to its privileged geographical location and convenient air-travel connectivity.  There are five weekly flights between Bogot&aacute and Curacao.

The fair visitors will have the chance to participate in a raffle for a round-trip ticket to Colombia via Avianca airlines, including an executive medical check-up at one of the prestigious Colombian medical institutions.

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