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Colombia, exhibiting at the largest U.S. power sector fair

Six companies will exhibit electrical equipment and related goods in the 2012 IEEE Power & Energy Society Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition.

For the first time with its own pavilion, and with the participation of six national companies, Colombia will be present at the most important fair of the electric power industry in the U.S.

This is the 2012 IEEE Power & Energy Society Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, an event that began today and will go until May 11 at the Orlando Convention Center, U.S.A. 

The following companies will participate with the support of PROCOLOMBIA, Simelca, Electroporcelana Gamma, Comensa, Fibratore, CELSA and Eléctricos Internacional which will present their offer in the power sector related assets and explore new business opportunities thanks to the Free Trade Agreement with the United States that will enter into force on May 15.

" It is the first time we attend. It is undoubtedly the most important fair for our sector" , said Miguel Puerta, from Fibratore, a company from the state of Antioquia in Colombia, offering solutions in composite materials for the power sector.

Puerta added: " The idea is to provide reinforced polyester with fiberglass and polymer concrete, a product that has several advantages such as low weight, is made of insulating material, environment friendly and easy to transport."

Juan Jose Cardenas, technology manager of CELSA is also attending for the first time. " It' s important because there are representatives from the major power distribution companies in the U.S. and in Latin America, who are our target customers."

On the other hand, Mauricio Yepes Bustamante, general manager of Gamma, attends every two years to upgrade and strengthen commercial relationships. " But we' ve never had a stand, we' ve only attended as observers, so this time we are very committed and challenged as we will be able to meet the world class standard of this fair."

His company has a portfolio aimed at insulating and protective equipment for the power sector, focusing on distribution and transmission networks and insulators designed for manufacturers of electrical equipment. " I believe that Colombians have the potential to participate as exhibitors because our national industry is ready to export to markets such as the U.S.," he added.

The public attending the fair is specialized, mainly comprised by representatives of public and private companies, consulting firms and engineering, construction and services, and independent power producers, wholesalers and distributors.

A sector with growth opportunities

According to information from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, according to data from Dane, in 2011 Colombian exports of the electric power sector and related goods reached USD$ 246.5 million, an increase of 37.7 percent with respect to 2010.

The main destination was Ecuador (USD$ 125.8 million), followed by Venezuela (USD$ 46 million), Peru (USD$ 16.2 million) and U.S.A. (USD$ 10.1 million).

For the latter, the products with the highest participation were copper conductors, electrical insulators, other articles of aluminum bases, and supports equipped with apparatus for electric control or distribution.

According to a study of PROCOLOMBIA, international markets demand environmentally friendly products because consumers are focusing increasingly on the side effects that these products can cause.

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