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Canada will find quality goods and services providers in Colombia

The Free Trade Agreement between the two countries will offer Canadian entrepreneurs products like sugar, processed rice, textiles, apparel and services, among others.

The Free Trade Agreement between Colombia and Canada, which will enter in force this coming 15th of August, will open countless opportunities for Canadian entrepreneurs to find the right goods and services among their peers, with the required quality levels and at the right price.

Moreover, the FTA will facilitate things for Canadian buyers to acquire Colombian sugar, flowers, cocoa, processed rice, textiles and cereals, arriving in the country with zero tariff. 

During 2010, total exports to Canada reached US$532 million, with traditional products having the highest share with 83.1 percent, according to the information published by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, based on DANE figures.

Non-traditional exports represented 16.9 percent. From there, 60.6% were agro-industry products, manufacturing with 30.9 percent, garments with 7.5 percent and services with 1 percent.

PROCOLOMBIA, the entity in charge of promoting non-traditional product exports, found that national exporters are able to supply the needs of exotic fruits, fresh vegetables and ethnic products, considering the Canadians' tendency to consume natural and organic foods. 

In the manufacturing sector, the country is capable of providing Canada with auto-parts, brake pads and products like upholstery, seating and interior finishing materials.

For the Canadian construction sector, Colombia offers cement, brick, gravel, remodeling and floor lining, walls, ceilings, pipes and ducts. 

In the garments sector, Canadian stores will have the possibility to offer Colombian products known around the world for their quality and innovation. Particularly, the entire line of teenage clothing, men's suits, underwear, swimwear, leather articles, and sportswear specially treated with technologies to enable better performance in physical activity.

The services sector will find Colombian talent in the development of digital animation, console video games and mobile devices, educational programs, entertainment, medical simulations, business applications,  e-learning and web marketing.

Technological development in the country, as well as the quality of its work force, will have a positive impact on Canadians interested in consulting and telemedicine services, call centers, online translation, data processing and information services, and others relative to software, telecommunications and design.

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