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Cali entrepreneurs are ready for their encounter with PROCOLOMBIA

The president of Proexport, María Claudia Lacouture, will meet with exporters and investors this coming Wednesday to discuss the diversification and internationalization plans for the region.

A total of 120 entrepreneurs and 20 international investors residing in the Cauca Valley will gather this coming Wednesday in Cali with the president of PROCOLOMBIA, Marí a Claudia Lacouture, with the purpose of strengthening the bonds that help promote international tourism, exports and foreign investment in the region.      

This meeting is part of the " Encuentros de PROCOLOMBIA con las regiones" (Encounters of PROCOLOMBIA with the regions) program, and it intends to establish the main needs and concerns of the stakeholders, and present the different services offered by the company.

Investors from different countries such as the United States, Germany and France are expected to analyze the business opportunities available in the country and bring potential projects to fruition.

The PROCOLOMBIA Management Project and Strategic Plan will be presented for years 2011- 2014, within the framework of the National Government: diversification, innovation, strategic alliances, sustainable development and job generation.  The meeting on Wednesday will be the second encounter of PROCOLOMBIA with entrepreneurs. 

The first meeting was carried out last week in Barranquilla and will continue next week in Pereira.

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