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Business Expectations for nearly US$87 million is the result of the 2011 Expo-Construction Business Round

Colombian exporters and international buyers met in Corferias.

The 2011 Expo-construction and Expo-design business round that gathered 171 buyers and 362 exporters produced business expectations for US$87 million.

Based on the PROCOLOMBIA report, buyers and exporters had a total of 1.906 business meetings from May 25 to 26, 1.370 out of which were effective that is, there is a possibility to close a deal in the future or initiate a commercial relation.

In the event organized by PROCOLOMBIA, the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá and Corferias, deals were closed, which amounted to US$6,4 million. 

The business expectations were organized as follows:

  • Projection from one to three months: US$11,632,644
  • Projection from three to six months: US$24,058,222
  • Projection for more than six months: US$44,657,400

Participants negotiated products like heaters, covers, plastic pipes, steel coatings, doors and timber.

" This type of meetings are very positive, because even if you don&rsquo t get to sell, you can at least offer your product abroad&rdquo , affirmed Hé ctor Dí az, Colombian exporter.

On the other hand, international buyers highlighted the wide variety of opportunities found in Colombia. " We are quite surprised about the steel and iron mills available. Colombians are very skilled in terms of metal that, in our opinion, translate into good business opportunities&rdquo , affirmed Paulino Ló pez, Puerto Rican buyer. 

" I am leaving very pleased, because I identified lots of business opportunities in Colombia, not only for entrepreneurs in Guyana, but also throughout Latin America and North America&rdquo , added Ed Ahmad from Guyana.

The international presence was led by Ecuador with 36 buyers, followed by Dominican Republic with 22 and Trinidad and Tobago, also with 22. We also had visitors from Guatemala (15), United States (14), Puerto Rico (13), Panama (9), Chile (8), Peru (8), Jamaica (6), Mexico (6), Guyana (5), Venezuela (5), Aruba (5), Costa Rica (5), Dutch Antilles (5), and two from Barbados, Bolivia, Dominica, Honduras, and Suriname.

As to results by country, Puerto Rican buyers were the ones that generated the highest business expectations, with nearly US$20 million followed by the Chilean with US$16.7 million and Ecuadorean with US$14.6 million.

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