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AICEP Portugal and PROCOLOMBIA sign Cooperation Protocol

The document entered into by the Presidents of the two entities will enable tighter trade relations and the strengthening of promotion and information activities for entrepreneurs.

The document entered into by the Presidents of the two entities will enable tighter trade relations and the strengthening of promotion and information activities for entrepreneurs.

The Investment and Foreign Trade Agency from Portugal, AICEP, and PROCOLOMBIA entered into a Cooperation Protocol last Friday which will enable joint activities to strengthen trade relations between the two countries.

The Protocol was signed by the President of AICEP, Basilio Horta, and the President of PROCOLOMBIA, Maria Claudia Lacouture, upon the closing of a meeting in Lisbon.

The document states that the intent of the Protocol is to " strengthen corporate cooperation and increase financial relations between Portugal and Colombia.&rdquo

To that end, AICEP and PROCOLOMBIA will work to identify key areas of cooperation and to exchange useful information for entrepreneurs from both countries.

Furthermore, the two entities will carry out promotional activities " specifically around the organization of seminars, corporate missions, national offer presentation sessions and other events.&rdquo

They will also create a network of corporate contacts which will enable the exchange of business opportunities between both countries.
According to the Protocol, AICEP and PROCOLOMBIA will foster a " reciprocal flow of economic, statistical and regulatory information, thus facilitating access by the corporate communities.&rdquo

Through the Protocol, the two entities also agreed to facilitate and accelerate the formalities for the introduced investment projects.

The Cooperation Protocol between the two parties will be in force for two years as of April 15th 2011, which will be extended automatically for an equal period of time.

PROCOLOMBIA is the Government Entity in charge of promoting Colombia as a world-class tourist destination, the attraction of direct foreign investment and the fostering of non-conventional exports.

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