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540 business meetings were held in Plataforma K in Barranquilla

There were business opportunities for over US$1.2 million among the 31 international buyers and 80 exhibitors.

" Quality, innovative designs and creativity" . These were the observations made by all of the attendees at Plataforma K-2011 in Barranquilla, in its business round that generated business opportunities of over US$1.2 million among the 31 international buyers and the 80 Colombian exhibitors, four percent more than in 2010.     

" This year we found very good products. There are so many and such good designs that we can charge more in Chile, and allow Colombia to sell itself very well in our country" assured Carmen Gloria Flores, a buyer from the southern country. Buyers that participated in the most important fashion event in the Caribbean Coast arrived to Barranquilla from Puerto Rico, Mexico, Chile, Ecuador and the United States and held a total of 540 meetings during the Business Round arranged by Proexport.

" PROCOLOMBIA has gone through a great endeavor in Costa Rica to promote Colombia, not only for it to be seen as a beautiful destination country, but also as a business prospect country" added Peggy Sossa, a buyer from Costa Rica.

Thanks to the joint mission of PROCOLOMBIA and the Barranquilla Chamber of Commerce, who organized the event Colombian exporters had the opportunity of showcasing their products and closing deals. 

" It was my first time at Plataforma K and I am leaving with a great feeling. The clients that visited us found added value and a different collection" , stated Sandra Gonzá lez, from the company original from Cú cuta Á gata Accesorios.

Some exporters even gave advice to the local exporters that are just starting their business.  " You must not only dream, but also work very hard. Mostly, you must believe in your own talent, rest assured there are clients for every different product" , concluded Jovanna Barreto, from the company Beso de Agua. 

What did the exhibitors showcase?

Formal and casual apparel designs for women and men, bathing suits, leather accessories, bijoux and jewelry, and children's clothing were among the main samples taken to the event during its seventh edition.

Within the universe of designs, women's clothing was the most important with 42%, followed by accessories 35% and beach apparel 9%.

Girls clothing, boys clothing, underwear and pajama designs each had a share of 3%.

PROCOLOMBIA has identified opportunities in Germany, the Caribbean, the Northern Triangle, Canada and the United Kingdom for clothing which generated a value of US$1.300 in exports during 2010, these opportunities are particularly for underwear, bathing suits, indigo fabric shorts and knitted sweaters. Apparel registered the largest growth.

Whereas in 2009 there was a sales growth of US$686.6 million dollars, in 2010 it was of US$717.8 million, which means a variation of 4,5% according to the information from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism.

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